Amplifying Voices of Future Leaders: Supporting the Mental Health of Students Speaking Up Against Racial Injustice
July 28, 2020 Jed Foundation Webinar - 12:00pm - 1:15pm PT
Activism and speaking up against racial injustice can be a protective factor for the mental health of college students, but can also have an immense toll as they try to focus on their academics. As COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People Color (BIPOC) in devastating ways, protesting and demonstrating against police violence and other systemic racial injustices can add even more stress. You are invited to join this webinar co-sponsored by The Steve Fund and The Jed Foundation (JED) that will focus on how higher education professionals can provide support, share resources, and advocate for the prioritization of protecting the emotional health of students. July marks BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity to highlight documented disparities in mental health care for all people of color, and in particular Black and Indigenous and People of Color.