The CCC Health & Wellness website serves as a resource for community colleges and students by providing a wide array of information. Resources submitted to the CCC Health & Wellness website will be screened to ensure resources are appropriate and relevant to the purpose of the website and target audience.
First screening criteria – materials and resources will be rejected if any of the following occur:
- Advertising of fee-based services or products
- Commercial business establishments
- Vendors
Second screening criteria – materials and resources will be assessed and rejected or accepted based on the following:
- Information must be current and up-to-date reflecting the most common practices of experts in the field.
- Information must come from a reliable source.
- Information must be easily accessible and available at no cost in the public domain, meaning that the materials are available for anyone to use for any purpose.
- Content must be presented in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner, and within a proper context.
- Information must not conflict with current Chancellor’s Office guidance.