Healthy Transitions provides curriculum for young adults transitioning out of foster care with the purpose of helping them to realize their own strengths and abilities. Ultimately, the object of the curriculum is to increase awareness and disseminate information about the many facets of wellness and self-care, with the goal of instilling these students with healthy habits, connecting them to local resources and services, and empowering them to reach a higher state of health and well-being. Through a combination of training and peer-to-peer support, Healthy Transitions serves to support these young people physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Curriculum resources include Youth Workbook and supplemental tools, Trainer Guide, Presenter Slides, Supplemental Curriculum, Peer-to-Peer Support Manual, and Coordinator Resource Toolkit.
Healthy Transitions Curriculum (for young adults transitioning out of foster care)
Source: Foundation for CCC