Communities Must Tailor Youth Suicide Prevention Efforts to Those Who Need Them Most
Youth suicide rates increased from 2018 to 2021 for Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), Black, and Hispanic youth—but not for White youth.
A Program that Provides Training and Technical Assistance
Youth suicide rates increased from 2018 to 2021 for Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), Black, and Hispanic youth—but not for White youth.
If you’re experiencing feelings of worry, irritability, or low mood right now, you’re not alone.
Free app designed to provide coping tools and support resources to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Government-developed (US Department of Veterans Affairs).
This compilation of resources includes the recording of the Nov. 13, 2014 webinar describing “Culture and Community”, “Native Communities of Care”, and more. These resources present an annotated and illustrated collection of culturally relevant and responsive suicide prevention social marketing … read more
Developed by the “Know the Signs,” California’s statewide suicide prevention campaign, contains social marketing and messaging materials.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance has meetings throughout California. Currently, most are meeting online via Zoom. These meetings are great for those struggling with anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder as well as Bipolar Disorder. Most people attending these groups are over … read more
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Asian American and Pacific Islander youth aged 12-19 years old.
This sample report form includes space to provide information about the incident as well as useful hints based on campus policies.
Like so many mental health conditions, eating disorders are on the rise. Between 2013 and 2021, eating disorder risk rose 13% among college students. There’s a lot of new research about what contributes to eating disorders and the most effective … read more
Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement created the 2019 kit to help community organizations, schools, and individuals raise suicide awareness during Suicide Prevention Week. The theme of the kit this year is Finding Purpose: Taking Care of Ourselves and … read more
Artificial Intelligence has the capability to analyze user interactions and identify signs of distress, anxiety, or depression.
The Equity in Mental Health Framework provides colleges and universities with ten recommendations and implementation strategies to help strengthen their mental health support and programs for students of color. The new Equity in Mental Health Toolkit offers additional support for … read more
The premise behind Find Your Anchor is that each person needs an anchor. “Establish an anchor — a dependable, stable, secure base that you can hold on to, one that keeps you firmly planted, no matter what winds or storms … read more
This guide provides a college or university community, regardless of its size, culture, and resources, with a list of issues to consider when drafting or revising protocols relating to the management of the student in acute distress or at risk … read more
Online support community for people dealing with grief, death, and major loss, with over fifty monitored support groups for children, youth, and adults.
GritX offers adolescents and young adults customizable interactive resources that include a self-care kit, skills studio, journaling, and breathing exercises they can develop online or via a smart device, download and refer back to regularly.
This engaging youth-oriented site uses video stories of students and high-profile artists to increase awareness about mental health issues and the importance of getting help.
Expert, ad-free resources help you resolve health challenges.
Rio Hondo College developed this guide to help their faculty and staff identify, refer, and support students who may be experiencing distress.
Crisis Text Line information and resources for students on how to handle Coronavirus.