Life After Loss
Guide to coping with grief and loss from the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center.
A Program that Provides Training and Technical Assistance
Guide to coping with grief and loss from the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center.
This free, self-paced course offers step-by-step guidance to help you find and interpret suicide-related data in order to target your prevention efforts effectively. The course explores a variety of commonly used data sources for information on suicide deaths and attempts, … read more
A student shares her personal journey navigating mental health and creating a mental health club on campus.
These resources from the NCAA Sports Science Institute cover an array of student athlete mental health topics. They include interactive training modules and guidance for coaches, athletic administrators, and other campus stakeholders who work with student athletes.
This resource provides a comprehensive overview of the Healthy Minds Study (HMS) conducted at fourteen California Community Colleges (CCCs) in Spring 2022, highlighting the interconnectedness of student mental health and basic needs such as financial security, food security, and social … read more
Training presentation on depression for peer educators.
This is an example of an MOU that Santa Monica College created to partner with a local mental health services provider to offer services on campus.
This is an example of an MOU that Santa Monica College created to partner with a local mental health services provider to offer services on campus.
This is an example of an MOU between a community college and a community service provider.
A suite of free apps for mental health, developed by the VA, for everyone.
An advocacy group for people living with mental illness and their loved ones. A good source of information and resources on mental health topics.
The book is composed of SAMHSA’s “National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care: Best Practice Toolkit” and related papers on crisis services. The toolkit reflects relevant clinical and health services research, review of top national program practices and replicable approaches … read more
Sample job description for peer mental health and suicide prevention educator.
This is an intake form to facilitate personal counseling. It includes campus policies, such as limitations of confidentiality.
This is a busy, sometimes exciting, sometimes nerve-wracking time in the life of a high school senior. There are social events and goodbyes, and then the unknowns and adventures of life after high school. Parents and caregivers are also experiencing … read more
This guide explains Santa Ana College’s psychological services internship program, including training goals and activities, intern qualifications, and disabled students services internship activities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a series of online trainings for mental health professionals, medical professionals, and others to learn about ACEs and how to prevent them.
This is a psychological services internship program application.
SRJC’s psychological intern program website, providing information about the program.
This matrix provides considerations that colleges can use to assess new referral sources (e.g., mental health and sbustance abuse treatment providers).