Santa Monica College 2020 Healthy Campus Award Winner
Active Minds
Active Minds is pleased to announce the five winners of the 2020 Healthy Campus Award: Denison University, Santa Monica College, Skidmore College, the University of Arizona, and the University of Richmond.
This year’s recipients represent a range of campuses that operate within varying contexts and challenges: rural, urban, commuter campuses, small, and large student bodies. Notably, Santa Monica – a community college located in West Los Angeles County that serves more than 30,000 students each year – scored top marks among the 2020 Healthy Campus Award applicants.
Camille Horrigan Slajus: Active Minds Co-Chair and Student Wellness Ambassador David Atash: Active Minds Co-Chair and Student Wellness Ambassador
About the Healthy Campus Award: The Active Minds Healthy Campus Award recognizes colleges and universities that are leading the way in prioritizing student health. It recognizes schools that provide access to quality healthcare and champions institutions that not only serve students’ physical health but give equal priority and investment to mental health.
About Active Minds: Active Minds is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults. Active Minds has a presence on over 800 college, university, and high school campuses nationwide, and is powered by a robust Chapter Network, the nationally acclaimed Send Silence Packing® exhibit, and inspiring Active Minds Speakers. Active Minds is creating communities of support and saving lives. To help change the conversation about mental health, visit