Join us on September 22 at 12 p.m. for the final in a series of webinars that explore the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress.
Upcoming Webinar, “Making Telehealth Work: Key Insights from the California Safety Net”
The event will feature data on trends and variation in telehealth use and modality, successful strategies used to address patients’ needs and improve health equity, and the different telehealth care models implemented by safety net providers.
Listening, Learning, & Leading: Anti-Racism in California’s Crisis Continuum of Care
Join California’s CARE TA Center for two powerful days of presentations related to the crisis continuum of care, justice diversion, recovery supports, and anti-racist clinical and hiring practices for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the behavioral health workforce.
May is Mental Health Matters Month Activation Kit (2021)
This year’s Mental Health Matters Month theme is #HopeForChange. The activities and messages ground us in the moment, allow us to reflect on the growth we have experienced, and empower us to face change in the future with hope as our guiding principle.
DBSA Sacramento
DBSA Depression Support Group for the Sacramento area, but all are welcome!
We meet via ZOOM every Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM Pacific time.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 746 2196 1906
Passcode: Depression
National Scholarship Available for Youth Who Have Experienced Homelessness
Are you, or do you know:
• a high school senior or recent graduate who is
• beginning college for the first time in the fall of 2021, and
• someone who has experienced homelessness in the last six years?
If so, keep reading to learn how to apply to the SchoolHouse Connection National Scholarship.
Undocumented Student Action Week
The fourth annual Undocumented Student Action Week is October 19-23. Undocumented Student Action week is a systemwide campaign to advocate and provide support resources for our undocumented student population.
Our Struggles are Intertwined: Intersections of Mental Health & Oppression
This class is for anyone interested in an intersectional analysis and holistic approach to healing. It is self-paced, led by people of color and takes about 2-hours to complete and free for the month of June.
Access to Stimulus Payments for Young People
A webinar to dig deeper into how unaccompanied youth can access stimulus payments under the CARES Act, and
Los Angeles County CalFresh Outreach Student Ambassador Application (2020-2021 Academic Year)
This program will train students to be CalFresh Outreach Ambassadors who will serve at their California Community College.