As a free, safe and confidential program funded by California’s Department of Health Care Services, we’re working hard to spread the word of Soluna as far as possible. What is Soluna? Soluna is a free and confidential mental health support app designed to meet Californians between the ages of 13-25 wherever they are in their […]
Tool or Template
Faculty Guide to Supporting Student Mental Health
How to create a culture of care on campus
2022 Scan of California Community Colleges’ Websites for Mental Health Service Information
For many college students, mental health support is critical for achieving their academic goals. Students often rely on their college’s website as a first (and sometimes only) stop for finding information about student services. In Spring 2022, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office funded an environmental scan of the websites of the 116 California community […]
Talking About Suicide with Friends and Peers
This document provides information to help youth know what words to use when talking about suicide with friends and peers.
When Students Talk About Suicide (Worksheet)
The following guidance may help you feel more comfortable talking about suicide.
School Wellbeing Toolkit
The School Wellbeing Toolkit is a resource created for teachers and school staff to practice self-care and support the wellbeing of their school community.
Pilot to Practice: Lessons from Six Counties to Achieve Full Implementation of California’s New Foster Youth Tax Credit
During the pandemic, tax filing has proven to be critical as it was the means to distribute over $12 billion in emergency relief. In its recently adopted state budget, California established the Foster Youth Tax Credit, a $1,000 refundable tax credit for current and former foster youth ages 18 through 25. When fully implemented, the […]
Tips for Homeless Higher Education Liaisons
Many institutions of higher education are designating liaisons for students experiencing homelessness. Similar to their counterparts in K-12 education, homeless higher education liaisons support students by connecting them to available resources on and off campus, and by removing barriers to college retention and success. Under California’s AB 801, each post-secondary educational institution must designate a […]
Basic Needs Center Toolkit
Basic needs insecurity directly impacts a student’s ability to succeed in college. Basic needs services are part of the non-academic supports that contribute to the third pillar of the colleges’ Guided Pathways, Help students stay on their path (Chancellor’s Office, 2017). This toolkit is rooted in understanding and acknowledgement that helping students maximize the resources […]
C.A.L.M. Toolkit: A Tool for Repairing Microagressions
Microaggresions negatively impact mental and emotional well-being, with their impact often becoming more pronounced over time, and thus becoming increasingly devastating. Now, we’re proud to present a new tool to help recover and repair relationships and rebuild trust. The CALM resource, created by Active Minds, Trevor Project, and CLASP, gives people who commit microaggressions – […]