Save the date for the third (virtual) MHWA support meeting!
Health & Wellness News
Self-help and the 2020 Holidays: Managing Stress During the Winter Season in Pandemic Times
Dec 18, 2020 | Webinar, California's Crisis and Recovery Enhancement (CARE) TA Center
This training from California’s Crisis and Recovery Enhancement (CARE) TA Center covers evidence-based self-help strategies to regulate difficult emotions that are common during the holidays and exacerbated for many during 2020’s pandemic-related grief and social distancing.
Virtual | April 28, 2021—April 29, 2021 | Beyond Rainbows: Building the will and the skills to serve and affirm our diverse queer and trans students.
This conference is a space for students, faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. In previous years at least half of our attendees were students.
Active Minds National Conference 2021
February 21- 22, 2021 | Here to Stay: Mental Health in the Post-2020 Culture
Virtual | #ActiveMindsCon21 The Active Minds National Conference is the nation’s premier conference focused on young adults and mental health.
NAMI California Conference 2020
October 12 & 13, 2020: Driving the Change
Each year, NAMI California convenes staff, board members, affiliate leaders, members, and behavioral health experts and advocates to examine important trends, best practices, new treatments, activities in mental health, and ways we can work together to improve care and services for our families and communities. To facilitate the nurturing of our extraordinary community until we can again gather in-person, our virtual conference presents a continuity of Meaningful discussions and connections with statewide peers and stakeholders. Our virtual conference will consist …
The New Normal: LGBTQ+ Youth Living Through COVID-19
October 15 & 16, 2020: Virtual Symposium
This symposium will gather medical professionals, child welfare workers, prevention workers, mentors, and executives from a variety of disciplines to “bridge-the-gap” and elevate the voices of experts to a national audience in the pursuit of equity for our LGBTQ+ youth.
Survey on Housing Challenges for California Community College Students
$20 Gift Card for 1 Hour (ages 18-30)
The California Homeless Youth Project and graduate students from Claremont Graduate University are collaborating on a research study in order to learn about issues impacting students who have experienced housing challenges while enrolled in a California community college.
Amplifying Voices of Future Leaders: Supporting the Mental Health of Students Speaking Up Against Racial Injustice
July 28, 2020 Jed Foundation Webinar - 12:00pm - 1:15pm PT
Activism and speaking up against racial injustice can be a protective factor for the mental health of college students, but can also have an immense toll as they try to focus on their academics. As COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People Color (BIPOC) in devastating ways, protesting and demonstrating against police violence and other systemic racial injustices can add even more stress. You are invited to join this webinar co-sponsored by The Steve Fund and The Jed Foundation …
Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Students
July 23, 2020 Jed Foundation Webinar - 12:00pm PT
JED Foundation is joining a panel discussion, “Supporting the Mental Health of BIPOC Students,” with Mental Health America of Greater Houston, Rice University Wellbeing Center, University of Houston, and The Steve Fund.
Telehealth Pearls, Pitfalls, and Strategies to Improve Patient Experience
July 20, 2020 Webinar - 3:00pm - 4:30pm PT
In this session, Dr. James Armontrout will discuss telehealth learnings drawn from his expertise in psychiatry, technology, and law, and from his own experience providing telehealth services in settings that range from outpatient clinics to high security correctional settings.