In this webinar, presenters will review the legal duties of early childhood programs, public schools, and colleges to educate and serve undocumented children and youth.
Health & Wellness News
Trauma and Resilience-Informed Health Care: Overview and Resources Webinar
ACEs Aware - March 25, 2020: 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Pacific)
The webinar will provide an overview of trauma-informed care principles that can facilitate integrating screening and response for ACEs and enhance connections between patients and providers.
Building Resilience in the Workforce Webinar
ACEs Aware - April 29, 2020: 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Pacific)
ACEs Aware is hosting a series of webinars that will offer practical information to help providers integrate ACE screening and response into their clinic and workflows.
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office COVID-19 Web Page
Guidelines and resources in English and Spanish are available.
Resources and updates regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Web Page
Frequently Asked Questions. Latest News. Situation Updates.
Provides information on symptoms, common questions, situation updates, information for specific industries and populations, and communication resources.
Taking Student Services Online in Response to Covid-19 Webinar
March 19, 2020: 10:00am - 11:00am (Pacific)
This webinar focuses on practical measures institutions can adopt to implement online technologies to ensure students continue to receive support and access to services even at a distance.
Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education (IHE)
To Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) -
This interim guidance is intended to help administrators of public and private institutions of higher education (IHE) prevent the spread of COVID-19 among students, staff, and faculty.
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Allocates $9 Million to 14 Colleges Across the State to Help Homeless Students Find Shelter
College Homeless and Housing Insecure Pilot Program
Fourteen California community colleges are being awarded three-year annual grants of up to $700,000 each to help homeless and housing insecure students find reliable shelter.
The system’s latest mental health initiative, the California Community Colleges Student Wellness Ambassadors Program, trains students to serve as advocates for their peers’ mental health and wellness. Funded by CalMHSA, the 2017-2018 ambassador cohort of 17 students hosted events, tabled, and conducted outreach to more than 20,000 students across the system. This year, 20 new ambassadors were selected from over 200 applicants to continue the work.
Santa Monica College, a long time beneficiary of CalMHSA-funded projects through Active Minds, the Foundation for CA Community Colleges, and others, is among the esteemed Healthy Campus Aware winners. In fact, SMC was the highest-scoring campus of all of the applicants among a very competitive field.